JenniferI am a mother of 2 adult children, as well as wife to an amazingly supportive man. I graduated from college with a degree in psychology, and later went through training to become a Peer Therapist. I find working with struggling people very rewarding.
I worked as a tax collector for a number of years, but I wanted to be in a job that was of help to women, in a supportive and caring way. I enjoy creating homes with items people often donate to thrift stores. Perhaps because I’m an artist on the side, I enjoy creating a warm atmosphere by coordinating colors and textures to create an environment that feels inviting and comfortable. I feel so blessed to be able to help women who have been able to leave abusive relationships. As Founder and President of Homemakers what I want most is to show our clients they are supported, worthy of care, and deserving of love. |
NatalieI am a wife, mom of two teenage girls and have a Bachelors degree in Nursing. I enjoy being in Nature and working with Children.
As Vice President I am in a supportive role to all aspects of Homemakers, helping out wherever I'm needed. I have a natural ability for organizing and enjoy using that skill to help Homemakers keep track of donations so that we know what we have and what we need to be ready to support our clients. |
ChristinaI am the mother of four and wife of a hard-working, ever present husband. I graduated with a Nursing Degree and have been a Neo-natal Nurse, a certified Doula, and home-care specialist in addition to my role as Wife and Mom. As the Co-Founder and Director of Procurement, I am responsible to source the major furniture items we provide for our clients.
We have been very blessed with the opportunity to source gently used furniture, as well as having the support of many people in the community and among our peers for the smaller durable items such as dishes, cutlery, etc. Bringing a sense of home to our clients who have suffered many terrible abuses brings such a personal reward and I am very blessed to have the opportunity to work with such an amazing team as we continue our mission. |
Who We Work With
St. Luke's Penn Foundation |
Domestic Violence Shelters |
Community Outreach Agencies |
Mental Health Facilities |
Children's Services |
Women's Shelters |